Jesus died on the cross to pay the price for our sins. Jesus rose from the dead, because of our justification, that because of his sacrifice, we have been set free, made a new creation and are now spiritually adopted children of God.

Our sins have completely been


Just like a teacher cleaning the whiteboard till it shines and sparkles (although teachers are not actually that good at this).

I like to think of the Tv show “Wipe out” when I think of this phrase.

I also like to think of grace.

We are completely forgiven.

We are completely washed clean of our sins and our unrighteousness.

We are completely and utterly loved by God, our father, our creator, our deliverer, our Savior.

This is not something we have earned. This is Grace.


Today we learned a simple message that the kids were able to learn by heart and take home with them forever:

Jesus forgives me so I should forgive others.

It’s a simple message, one as old as time, but it still rings true for everyone, young, old and teenager.